Coding Edition

Deliberate Practice

Angela Duckworth's concept of "deliberate practice" emphasizes a structured, focused, and effortful approach to skill improvement. It involves principles that distinguish it from mere repetition or casual practice:

Duckworth connects deliberate practice to her broader theory of grit—a combination of passion and perseverance—arguing that deliberate practice is a key driver of exceptional performance and long-term success. It is not just about working hard but working smart with a clear focus on improving the most challenging aspects of a skill.

Deliberate Coding Practice

Deliberate Practice may be easy to picture in fields such as athletics, spelling, or other tasks where perfection can be imagined and incremental gains toward that goal can be measured. But what about coding? What does perfect coding look like? We can imagine that perfect coding would go from concept to finished product without any checking, proofing, or debugging. Furthermore, it would be fast.

Of course, no one can code that way, but anyone can improve their skills through practice. Start by viewing the Sample Page. Then, in the form below, complete the HTML and CSS needed to recreate the sample page. When you believe your are finished, submit and see what your page looks like. How similar is it to the original? What mistakes did you make? How can you avoid making those mistakes again?